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Heart of Ice Page 8

  “Oh my goodness! Is that really the time! I’ve got to get ready.”

  “Where are you going?” Sarah asked watching her friend make a beeline for her room. She watched as Christina tossed clothes everywhere.

  “What do I wear?”

  “Well, I can’t figure that out unless you tell me,” she told her exasperated. Christina didn’t really have time to talk.

  “Sarah I don’t know. I’m running out of time. Collum will be here in a second.”

  Wait a minute Collum; she thought Christina was with Matt. Were the two sharing her? Did they have some secret ménage à trois going on? She shook her head. Christina could have the playboy she wasn’t interested any way.

  “Calm down, you can wear this deep navy blue dress. It hugs all of your curves. You can pair it with those strappy black heels. I know you don’t like make up, but we can do a deep plum or maybe a nude color for your lips.”

  Christina grabbed the items from Sarah and got dressed. Once she had the dress on she looked in the mirror, maybe she shouldn’t be wearing something that hugged her curves like this. Matt would have a cow. Screw him; he was in deep shit anyway. She gathered her items and favorite clutch and exited the bathroom.

  “Collum should be here in a second. Sarah make sure you have everything you want to take with you pack. I’m not sure, but Collum may want to leave tonight.”

  “Are you absolutely sure.”

  “Yes, Sarah. You are coming with me.”

  “I mean about going to New York.”

  “Well my new job is there, career, and a man that I am going to kill the second I get there.”

  Sarah was confused. Was Christina with Matt or Collum? The doorbell rang. They both hurried out of her bedroom towards the door.

  “Wait!” Christina shouted at Sarah before she opened the door. Christina walked towards the door and used the peephole. Thank God, it wasn’t Joshua. It was Collum.

  “You can have him. Jeez. All you had to do was say something.” Sarah mumbled leaving Christina in the foyer area. Christina was so confused. What the hell was Sarah talking about? She would have to talk to her later.

  “Collum.” She said opening the door. Collum whistled as he opened the door. He grabbed Christina’s hand and pulled her close.

  “Now, I see what the fuss is about.” He said putting his fingers in her hair.

  “Collum, I don’t think Matt would like this,” she said trying to back away.

  “Who knew you were hiding all this gorgeous hair in that bun. You have got to wear it down more often.”

  “Let’s go,” she said stepping out of the condo. She locked the door. When she heard another voice. Son of a nut cracker! The shit just hit the fan.

  “Christina turn around and look at me.” She did as Collum instructed. She looked at him wide eyes as he mumbled something under his breath before his lips descended onto hers.

  Collum couldn’t resist the little beauty at the door. He was glad that he could use the kid as an excuse for kissing her. Her innocence made him want her. Those large grey eyes stared so trustfully into his and like scum he took an advantage. It seemed their little kiss did nothing to discourage Joshua, so Collum took it up a notch. He expertly parted her lips before shoving his tongue into her mouth.

  “Hey buddy, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” an angry male shouted. Collum fought his instincts to counter his move.

  “What does it look like I’m doing? I am here with my female companion and I would appreciate it if you quit stalking her.”

  “Hey! She agreed to go on a date with me.”

  “Only because you blackmailed her.”

  “Wait a minute, your face looks familiar,” Josh said taking a good look at Collum. Christina hoped he didn’t figure it out, but if they were both millionaires, it was more than likely they ran in the same circles. What she really worried about was that kiss. Why didn’t she shove Collum off her? The kiss was demanding yet gentle.

  “I just figured it out. You are Collum Davenport, a notorious playboy. Christina stay away from this guy he’s nothing but a player.”

  “Joshua, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you but my personal life is no concern to you.”

  “Wait a minute, are you playing him?” he asked.

  “You said your boyfriend name was Matt, but yet you’re clearly making out with this guy.”

  “I said Matt to protect his identity. Not everyone wants someone to know who they’re dating. Now back off.” She said angrily at him.

  “He’s going to hurt you, and you’re going to run back crying. I’ll be here waiting.”

  “Whatever. This is getting old. Christina let’s go.” Collum said placing his arm around her waist. Christina realized as she left with Collum, she was in big trouble. She liked that kiss just a little bit too much.

  Chapter 13

  Christina got into the car with Collum. She was scared and confused. Why did she like the kiss that she shared with Collum? Had kissing always been so much fun. Was she moving too fast with Matt? She never had a boyfriend let alone been kissed until Matt came along. If she liked Matt so much why did she also like Collum kisses. What was going on?

  Collum felt like a cad at the confused look reflected on Christina’s face. She was an open book, it was so easy to read her.

  “Don’t think about it too much doll. Just a little bit of acting to throw the guy off.” He said starting the car up. He was going to take her to a nice restaurant down town before departing. He at least owed her, besides she was gorgeous. Matt couldn’t have all the fun. He watched as she brought her fingers to her lips. He was dying to know what was going on inside that head of hers. She cast those large grey eyes towards him; his heart stumbled in his chest. He gripped the steering wheel tightly. What was he doing? Why would Matt be blessed with such innocence?

  “It’s not your fault. Collum. It’s just acting.”

  He heard her light whispering and relaxed slightly. He was almost weary from all the excitement. She wasn’t the only one confused.

  “Tell me, what’s going on inside of that head of yours?” Christina took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure it was smart to tell him that she liked the kiss. It was something that was bound to get them both killed.

  “It’s just…” she trailed off looking out the window.

  “What?” Collum asked. He was desperate to know what was going on. Pulling up to the restaurant, he called her name once more.

  “Tell me, you can’t leave me in the dark like that.”

  Christina looked at him. His hazel eyes were almost golden in moonlight. He was handsome, but Matt he was breathtakingly beautiful; his presence commanded attention.

  “I’ve never been kissed like that before.” Collum looked at her with incredulity. Surely she was mistaken. His eyes bore into the side of her head.

  “I meant that Matt was the first guy I’d ever kissed and you’re the second.” Oh god, was it her or was it getting hot in here?

  “I mean not that Matt’s a bad kisser or anything…umm, and you’re not a bad kisser either…umm,” someone shoot her now. She was making a fool of herself.

  Collum watched as her skin flushed beet red. He tried to hold the laughter in.

  “Christina.” She casted her gaze toward Collum once he called her name. A gasp left her mouth as he closed the distance between their lips, effectively shutting her up. She tore her face away from Collum.

  “You can’t do that Collum. There’s no excuse this time.” She was on the verge of hysteria.

  “You don’t have to tell him.” He said inching closer.

  “No! I can’t lie to him.” She said as tears sprang to her eyes. Collum really looked at her. He wanted her and badly.

  “Do you love him?” he asked her. He watched her closely. Denial, confusion and finally defeat settled into her face.

  “He steals my breath away.”

  “Good, you have my blessing.” He said getting out of the
car. Wait a minute was this a test? If so she was going to kill that fucker. This time her face was a flaming red not innocent blushes, the fury of a volcano explosion swept through her veins filling her with rage. Collum came around and opened her door.

  “My lady,” he said holding out his hand.

  “Your ass is mine,” she said smiling. Collum glanced at her from his peripherals. What happened to his little innocent puppy? It had been replaced by a devil. A very angry devil. His guffaws filled the air. Christina turned her nose up at Collum and kept walking. This was going to be a long night.

  Thankfully no more unexpected events such as kissing and whatnot occurred the rest of the night.

  “Are you all packed up?” he asked as he stopped the car.

  “Well of course not. I’m relocating to another state.”

  “Matt has already made all the arrangements. What you need, would be any immediate items. I’m quite sure he will have you all taken care of.”

  “What about my friend Sarah? She’s coming too. If she can’t come then I am not coming.” Christina huffed out. She wasn’t sure what Matt would say about toting Sarah along with her.

  “I’m sure something could be arrange. We need to leave now. I told Matt I would have you there today.”

  “Fine. You wait out here and I am going to go grab her.”

  Christina rushed into the condo. She was glad to see that Sarah was all packed up.

  “How did your date go?” Sarah asked her.

  “What date?” she asked with incredulous expression. Sarah was the one perplexed. She could have sworn that Collum was taking Christina out on a date.

  “Never mind. Are we leaving this instant?”

  “Yes, Collum said Matt already arranged for the rest of our belongings to be moved. Sarah don’t you have any mementos or anything that you want to take with you?” Christina never paid much attention but she just realized that she’d never been over to Sarah house or anything. Sarah was basically a permanent fixture here at her home. She had no idea where she lived for that matter. She vowed to not be so wrapped up in her own life.

  “You’re all I need Chris,” Sarah told Christina as she exited the door with her a duffle bag into the night.


  Collum sat across the leggy blonde that he’d been wanting to get to know. Poor Christina must’ve been tired because she slept peacefully with her head against the window. Her gorgeous locks hugged her body as she slept. Matt was a lucky bastard.

  “Pig,” Sarah mumbled as she turned her gaze toward the window. He all but eye raped Christina while she slept. She knew his type, they always wanted what they couldn’t have. It didn’t matter. She had no time for men anyway. Men were dangerous and keeping a low profile was hard enough.

  “Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself gorgeous,” he said sipping his champagne. Looking at him through shrewd eyes, Sarah knew she would never go for his type. Selfish bastard. Why couldn’t he just leave her alone?

  “Sorry, Davenport. Sleep calls. Don’t want to miss my beauty sleep.” She snuggled further into her chair and closed her eyes. She could just pretend he wasn’t there. Voila. Easy.

  “Why would you need that, when you are simply ravishing?” He said closing in on her.

  “Eep!” Sarah squealed at his close proximity. When did he get that close? How did he get that close without her knowing?

  “Get back!” she snarled. She sat up quickly and almost head butted him in the process. Collum quickly put some distance between him and the woman. What the hell just happened? He watched her as she took deep breaths to calm herself. She was flushed and sweat had formed on her brow. When he took a closer look at her he realized there was true fear in her eyes. What was going on with her? Paranoid much?

  “Sarah?” Christina murmured coming out of her sleep. When she didn’t respond Christina sat up and looked at her friend’s frantic look.

  “Collum you cad! Get away from her!” she shouted at him moving towards Sarah. Wait a minute. He was just flirting. He didn’t know the results would be two women ganging up on him.

  “Chair now!” Christina shouted at him. Feeling like a two year old who just got scolded he got up and sat in her chair by the window.

  “Bully,” he mumbled.

  “I heard that!” she shouted at him. She was like an avenging angel. He hadn’t even done anything to warrant this type of behavior. Perhaps he should spend some time digging up information on Sarah. He got out his phone to send Matt a quick message. He wanted his friend to know that Christina had company.

  When they finally landed Collum couldn’t be any happier. The women left him in a stony silence as if it was his fault. He hadn’t done anything really. Fast as lightening he made it to Matt’s side.

  “Man they’re the devils. I’m telling you. Run while you can.” Matt laughed at Collum’s face expression, his eyes were wide as saucers and panic filled them. What did his friend do this time?

  “What? I didn’t do anything. I swear.”

  “Feeling guilty?”

  “Well yes, I mean no! Not you too Matt.” Collum groaned massaging his temples.

  “I need to go retrieve my grey eye angel.” He said excusing himself.

  “She’s not an angel. More like an avenging one, hell scratch that she the devil.” He shouted at his friend. He left Matt to tend to the women. He had enough, what he needed right now was a good fuck and a drink.

  Christina checked to see if Sarah was okay. She didn’t know what happened between her and Collum but her friend had been acting a bit odd ever since. Christina fought her need to turn around and gaze at Matt. She could feel his eyes on her body. It had been a while since he touched her.

  “Sarah, we can get a hotel room if it would make you feel better.” Her friend had been so despondent. What the hell did Collum do? She was going to skewer his ass.

  “I’m fine. I actually have a place here in New York.” Sarah said making eye contact with Christina.

  “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

  “You’ve developed a really bad potty mouth Chris. It’s all that dirty talking Matt does to you. Isn’t it?”

  “Sarah!” she whined. Christina was glad that Sarah was getting back to normal, err well her definition of normal anyway.

  “See ya later buttercup. I got a date with lifetime.” Matt watched in interest as Sarah walked past. He was a man he couldn’t help but stare.

  “Bye handsome,” she said as she walked pass him. Where was she going?

  “Sarah said she has place here in New York.” Christina told him.

  “Tell the cab driver to charge it to Dallas accountant.” Matt yelled as she disappeared into the cab. With a wave of her hand the woman was gone. It was then he cast those fiery eyes towards Christina. He sunk his hand into her hair and jerked it back so those grey eyes were looking at his.

  “Did you miss me?” he asked as he closed the distance between them. Christina was waiting for the kiss that usually followed, but instead he surprised her. He licked her earlobe before biting down onto it. Her face flamed at her body’s response.

  “What’s the matter baby? Are you wet and ready for me?” he asked her.

  “No!” she stuttered out. She didn’t know why she lied. He knew the truth anyway.

  “Is that so? Well this dress you’re wearing is impeccable. Did you wear it for me?” he asked as he moved towards her neck. Matt’s hand slid down and cupped her butt. He kissed her forehead head, each eyelid, and her nose before sealing his mouth against hers. He didn’t ask he took, and he wanted it all. Christina knees buckled as his passion swept her off her feet. He finally broke the kiss and signal his personal driver. Oh no! Had the driver been there the entire time? She felt like a high school teenager who just got caught necking with the bad boy by her parents.

  “Welcome to New York,” he said with his eyes glittering in the night. Christina could hardly breathe as she thought about the dark pleasures that would fol

  Chapter 14

  Christina stood flabbergasted as she took in her surroundings. Everything was sleek and modern. She loved the opened floor plan. There were whites, reds, blacks, and silver that tied into a wonderful palette through the house.

  “You really are a billionaire,” she whispered.

  “Did you doubt me?” he asked suddenly closer than what he had been. Christina took a deep breath. This man was going to be the death of her. Her skin tingled at his nearness. She stood still feeling him against her. She turned around to look at those gorgeous eyes.

  “Matt,” she began, but he silence her by putting his finger to her lips.

  “Come, I want to show you something,” he said, suddenly grabbing her hand. She giggled as they ran through the penthouse. He opened up his bed room door. He laid on the bed and gestured for her to lie beside him and she did so. She gasped as she gazed up at the ceiling. Her face stared back at her. Was this how he saw her? The person painted on the ceiling was a goddess. She wasn’t anybody. Just a simple girl. She decided that she could put her trust in him.

  Matt watched her as she looked at the ceiling. Her eyes watered when she saw the painting. He pulled her close to his chest and kissed her slowly. He wouldn’t know what to do if he ever lost her. Panic rushed through is veins. A soft touch to his face pulled him from his thoughts.

  “No frowning,” she said as she kissed his forehead. Matt looked at her in surprise. He never felt such tenderness. People were always demanding everything from him whether it be his attention, sex, money, etc. He always sought to fulfill those needs. Not even Natalia had touched him with such tenderness. Confused, he wiped his face as something trailed down. It was a tear. What the fuck. He wasn’t crying. He looked at Christina and she scared him. For the first time ever, it was him doing the running. He leapt up from the bed and fled.