Heart of Ice Page 6
“That’s Matt Dallas; he’s a billionaire and one of the wealthiest men in the world.”
“What about the girl?”
“I don’t know her. But the face seems familiar. Just forget about it. It’s not our business to know.”
“Got it.”
Christina sat and stared at Matt as champagne was poured into her glass. The restaurant screamed of luxury and A-list people. Just who was the man in front of her?
“So tell me a little bit about this place.”
“It’s called Casa Tua. It is one of my favorite Italian restaurants. I am a fan of its veal.”
“Well this place is simply stunning,” she said looking around. She wasn’t poor, but she wasn’t in this class. She finally spit the question out that had been burning in her mind since meeting him.
“Who are you Matt?”
“I thought you would never ask.” Christina sipped her champagne as she cast a sharp eye his way. Please don’t be a mobster she thought.
“I am Matt Dallas the Billionaire. Please to meet you.” He said smiling at her.
Chapter 9
Christina choked on her champagne as she attempted to get her bearings. She looked in the glass, smelling it before setting it down. She didn’t think the waiter drugged it. Why would he drug her champagne when Matt knew he could have his wicked way with her without the champagne? Uh oh, there went her mind again, down in the gutter. The champagne stung going down. Okay, breathe Christina it wasn’t the end of the world. She made the mistake of looking up at Matt once again. Did she miscalculate? She could’ve sworn she heard him say billionaire. Ha! He was a lunatic. A very hot, gorgeous, sexy, fine crazy man she thought dreamily.
“Christina? Are you alright?” he asked her with a face expression full of concern. Of course she was alright. Why would he ask her such a question?
“Yes, Matt I’m fine. Just processing the information.” Victory was hers! It was like winning the Olympics! Confetti was tossed on her as she prepared her speech. She succeeded in not sounding like a complete moron! Hooray! The prodigy was on the prowl again!
“Of course you understand. My company expanded from Toronto to New York and that is where I run it from.” He said smiling at her.
“You’re the owner?”
“Well yes,” he said. Yes, he was the owner. How old was he? He didn’t look that old, as long as he wasn’t older than thirty-five she could deal. Hell she hoped he hadn’t passed thirty yet. The man was a billionaire. Billionaires didn’t take secret flights to some hick city and steal virginities. Right? Right?
“So tell me Matt, why me?” she asked taking a sip and casting a sharp eye to him. Out of all the women that had to be throwing themselves at the infamous billionaire, why did he choose her? It didn’t make any sense. Her breathing hitched as he leant forward and reached out a hand towards her. Taking her chin into his hand, he turned her face to the side and looked at her profile. He then removed a bobby pin from her hair and watched as it cascaded around her.
“Because my dear, you are simply exquisite.” Instantly she blushed. It flair up from her neck and filled her face. The clearing of a throat had him releasing her. She already missed his warm touched. Damn, she was so needy.
“Your meal. I hope it is to your taste. Enjoy your evening,” the waiter said before leaving them alone. Christina was hardly able to focus on her meal. Naturally, Matt ordered for her. The food was marvelous. She chewed her food fighting down another blush that threaten to consume her. She could feel his heavy gaze on her. It felt as if he was undressing her with his eyes and boy was she on fire. Her blood rushed through her ears. All she had to do was keep it together.
All too soon they were leaving the restaurant behind and back into the comforts of the cabin in Aspen. She still hadn’t said a word to Matt. What was she supposed to say? She was completely baffled by his status. She wasn’t anything special at all.
“I’ve said it before, but this time I’m telling you so there is no doubt in your mind.” She nodded her head at him confused about where this conversation was going.
“You belong to me, and I have every intention of making you mine.” Christina’s breath became labored as she noticed the darkening of his eyes.
“I…I” she could barely formulate a word let alone a sentence.
“Come to New York with me.” He said. She looked at him thunderstruck. He must be crazy! She had a career in Vanderbilt. She couldn’t just toss it all away for a man she barely knew.
“I can’t. You hardly know me.” She whispered to him. She hated to deny him. She could see the fury leaking in his eyes along with the lust.
“Why don’t you tell me Christina? Just, who are you?” Anxiety filled her. Was this where she supposed to come clean about her identity. She was already a freak. She couldn’t tell him that. She didn’t want to go back to being treated as a star one moment and then invisible the next.
Matt watched as many expressions flashed across her face. Was she going to tell him the truth or leave him in the dark? If he was able to be honest with her, she should provide him the same curtsey.
“I’m just an associate professor, at a university. Nothing more, nothing less.” She said biting her lip. Damn it was a nervous habit of hers.
“Really.” He asked as he stalked her. Christina jumped up from the couch, why was he stalking her like that. She was his prey and at his mercy. She didn’t know what made her do it, but she ran for the bed room. She heard Matt’s dark laughter behind her. He was derange. Wait until she told Sarah.
Matt grabbed the little minx and threw her on the bed. She was still in that tight little number that she wore to the restaurant.
“A professor, hmm. Well professor there are some things that I need to teach you,” he whispered in her ear holding her down onto the mattress. Christina struggled to launch him off her but to no avail.
“Matt wait.”
“No!” he roared and pulled the top part of her dress exposing her breasts for all to see. He grabbed her breasts and twisted them painfully. She cried out.
“Matt!” she cried out. He was past listening to his pleas. She omitted the truth and that would lead to lies. She deserved to be punished. He released her breasts suddenly and bit down on her nipple. Christina didn’t know what had gotten into him. Her dress remained around her waist. He tore her panties off. She tried crawling away. She heard the belt come off and the unzipping of his pants. Her fear spiked making her wet. What was wrong with her? Any normal person would be ready to flee, yet her she was getting horny from it. She needed a psychologist. She tried to crawl away once again and she felt a lash from the belt across her ass. The sting hand her stopping immediately.
Matt watched as the blood rush to the surface of her ass and it made him want her all the more. He realized when he took her, he didn’t have protection. She was a virgin and no other had touched her. He covered himself with the thin latex this time. Once she stop moving he flipped her on her back. He grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her to the edge of the bed before plummeting into her fiercely. Sweat formed on his brow as he tried his best to break her. He wanted the truth from her.
“Tell me!” he screamed. Christina mind was full of pleasure and pain. It was an odd combination that had her shaking desperately. She was so close if he would. She screamed out as he suddenly stopped moving.
“Matt please,” she cried.
“Did you tell me the truth?” he asked her. What truth was he talking about? She had no idea what he wanted from her.
“Baby, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She said desperately. She cried as he pulled out of her. Leaving her on the bed. Her heart drummed furiously in her chest. Where did he go? What was he doing? He suddenly returned to the room.
“On your hands and knees.” He said. Thank god, he was going to finish what he started. She sighed in complete relief, turning to do
as he asked. Once she had her ass thrust out in the air like an offering, she yelped in surprise as he parted her cheeks.
“Matt, I can’t. Not there.” This time fear of the unknown wrecked at her.
“So there’s nothing more you need to tell me about yourself?”
Was that what this about? She was completely honest. She guessed she waited too long to speak. He parted her cheeks and pushed something between her them. It was cold. Her bottom clamped down on whatever it was. It was melting at an alarming rate. He couldn’t do this to her. She wouldn’t let him. She looked up only to see that he brought in more ice cubes. She collapsed on the bed, only to feel the sting of the belt across her ass again.
“On your knees and hands.” He roared. She assumed the position again. She didn’t know whether or not they were still role playing or if this was something completely dangerous. She should just give him what he wanted. He suddenly shoved the second ice cube into her. She felt it melting quickly. She would tell him all her deepest and darkest secrets if he’d stop.
“I was declared a child prodigy at the age of eight. I’m only twenty-one,” she groaned into the mattress tears streaming down her face.
Matt froze when he heard the confession. He had himself a very good girl. He decided to reward her with a good fuck. She cried out as he flipped her on her back once again and took her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. She sobbed into him as she felt both their release. Completely spent, Christina closed her eyes and welcomed sleep.
She stretched languorously; her body ached from last night’s activities. She made her way to the master suite bathroom. A gasped left her, a bath was drawn for her and white lilies floated in the water, with a groan she sank into the blissfully warm water. She closed her eyes to think for a moment. Could she really leave Nashville to be with Matt? She had a career there. What about Sarah? She didn’t have any idea how this was going to work. A groan slipped from her lips as large soothing hands rubbed deep circles into her neck loosening the muscles there. She opened her eyes to see Matt.
“Morning gorgeous.” He said give her a peck on the lips. Christina’s heart fluttered in her chest. It had to be the role playing last night that turned him into someone darker. This was the man she was falling for. His touch electrified her and his presence made her feel safe and warm. Whoever said sex wasn’t everything obviously wasn’t getting enough of it.
“Good morning,” she said blushing wildly at him. He gave a hearty chuckle before making himself comfortable. He had chocolate cover strawberries and he fed them to her. She felt the juice dribble down her chin. He leant it and lapped it off her face before continuing to feed her.
“I leave you to your thoughts. Breakfast will be ready soon.” He said giving her a deep kiss before kissing her on the forehead and exiting the bathroom. She could definitely get used to being pampered. He said she was his. Did that make them a couple? Boyfriend and girlfriend? This was a first for her. She needed to talk to Sarah. She got out of the tub and quickly got dressed. Running to the bedroom she checked her phone. There was a message from Sarah. She decided to give her a quick call before eating breakfast.
“Well hi you little freak,” she laughed into the phone.
“So what have you been up to? Oh wait don’t tell me. Getting your brains screwed out of your head.”
“What?! You know it’s true?!”
“Can you believe he asked me to come to New York with him?” She gasped into the phone.
Sarah heart leaped into her throat. The man was serious about her little Chris. Sarah knew the second he spotted her that he wasn’t going to let her go. Who was he? Christina was just supposed to go out and get laid, not find herself in a committed relationship. She should be happy for her friend.
“That’s great” she uttered into the phone.
“But Sarah, I hardly know the guy!”
“Well you fucked him. What more do you need to know.” The moment the words left Sarah’s mouth, she felt like crap. The fear of her best friend leaving her scared her to death.
“That was a little mean even for you.” Christina was hurt. Why would Sarah say that to her. Was she no longer good enough to be her friend?
“Chris, I’m--”
“Forget it. Don’t worry about it. Bye.” She disconnected the call and decided to look for Matt, at least she knew what she was getting from him, well she hoped.
Chapter 10
The rest of the week flew by in a blur. They went skiing and Christina had a chance to see Matt completely own the mountains. She was amazed at how many people he knew. It was great seeing a different side of him, not so stoic. Matt pampered and doted on Christina. It was nice having someone to tend to her needs, physical and emotional. She was still out of sorts with Sarah. She still hadn’t called her or anything and she refused to make the first move. She didn’t know what to expect from her friend. Christina checked her luggage to make sure she had everything packed, they were ready to leave Aspen behind. She looked forlornly at the cabin as they pulled off. It was a winter fairytale; as cliché as it may sound she gave herself to the wonderful man that sat beside her. He simply took her breath away. How was this going to work? She asked the question over and over again, but the results were the same. It wasn’t.
“Come with me. Right now. We can fly right past Nashville. Let me take care of you,” he said taking her hand and kissing it. Her heart flew into her throat as she gazed into his dark green eyes. She couldn’t. Her car. Her things. Her career. What about Sarah? Then again, Sarah was on the blacklist right now. She knew her friend encouraged her to be spontaneous but this was simply going too far.
“I can’t Matt.” She said avoiding eye contact with him.
“Christina, don’t make me beg.” Her heart lurched. She couldn’t. This was crazy. She gotten to know him, but he was still a mystery, a mystery that she wanted to unravel.
“I’ll consider it. I still need to return to Nashville.”
Matt grinned in triumph. It didn’t matter if she would have agreed with him or not. He had to have her. He’d go ahead and make the necessary arrangements. He had her right where he wanted her. He leant in and ran his nose along her collarbone. She smelt divine.
“Um, it’s…it’s time to get out now.” She said stuttering. It never ceased to amaze her how the man always rendered her speechless. Clearly she needed to pick up a thesaurus and learn to better articulate herself. She blushed as the driver gestured for her to get out of the car. She got out of the vehicle and turned towards Matt. She felt like she was going to hyperventilate. She fought back the tears that sprang to her eyes.
“Chin up, little one. This is not the end. You could always come with me now.” He said, hoping she wouldn’t deny him. He knew it was a moot point. His grey eyed angel denied him once again. He stood next to the limo as she made a mad dash to the airport with her luggage. He purchased a first class ticket for her so she could fly comfortably. He would be taking his private jet back to New York. Matt held back the hurt, anger, and pain that wreaked him as she left him. The anxiety clawed at him threatening to suffocate him. She couldn’t leave him. He wouldn’t let her. Taking a deep breath, he calmed his racing heart.
The driver watched as the icy look enveloped his young master again. It had been years since he saw a smile grace his face. His body gave an involuntary shudder at the cold look. It was like the young master died again. He hadn’t been the same since Natalia left. He never liked Natalia anyway. The woman was trying to force her way into his young master life, begging him to marry her. He was happy when the young master turned her down. It broke his heart that he faced such adversity. He only wished happiness for the young master. The young girl, her face seemed familiar, but he knew she was the one. She already did more than what the other women had, and that was deny him. He smiled. It seemed that the young master’s future wasn’t lookin
g so bleak after all.
Christina opened the door to her condo. She wouldn’t admit it. She wouldn’t say it. Okay fine. She missed him. She felt depressed. Taking out her cell phone she checked for any missed calls and messages. She got nothing. Okay, she tossed her keys in the glass bowl. Setting her things down, she slapped her face. The sting brought her back to reality. She wasn’t some blind eye, goop eye teenage girl. She was a grown woman and she could handle being away from Matt Dallas. She groaned as she ordered take out. She didn’t even have Sarah to keep her company and to tell all her ‘dirty deeds’ as she would put it to. Screw her. She was happy the ringing of the doorbell distracted her from her angry thoughts. She grabbed the Chinese food the delivery boy held in his hands after paying him and settled into a good book.
Matt was back in New York. He sat in his office looking at the view. Somehow it didn’t hold the same value or appeal. His assistant a blonde, name Elena entered. She gave him the itinerary for the day. He was bored. There were no delicate blushes distracting him. How he wished she was here with him. He would take that little body and bend it over… God, all the blood in his body rushed towards his dick.
“You’re dismissed,” he told his secretary. He sighed as she exited the office.
“Well, well, well, look who’s finally decided to show his face again.”
“So how was it?”
“That none of your business.”