Heart of Ice Read online

Page 5

  Matt looked at the sleeping woman in his bed. They could make this work. If this was going to work he was going to have to convince her to move to New York. It wouldn’t be hard for her to find work and he could always put a word in. That did mean he was going to have to come clean about his identity. He knew she would be sore when she woke. He wasn’t gentle at all. He got up and ran some water. A nice bath would help soothe away all the aches and pain. Running water, he placed bath salts, oil and petals in its mix. He got up to go retrieve her.

  Christina was startled when she realized she was in the arms of a man. Oh, it was just Matt.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Go back to sleep. I’ll bathe you.” She was just starting to drift back off when she caught the last of his sentence.

  “You’re not bathing me. I am a grown woman Matt. I can bathe myself.”

  “Rest assured, I know that you are a woman, and developed at that,” he said placing a smoldering look on her. Christina gulped. She was in treacherous waters here. It was best to tread lightly. She held her tongue. A groan escaped her when Matt climbed in the tub with her, the water was so soothing and it felt great against her skin. She guessed she could let him pamper her.

  Matt poured soap onto a sponge and began the torturous task of washing Christina off. He watched as her eyes floated shut and her lips puckered as she enjoyed the bath he gave her. Maybe this was a bad idea. She was not ready. Okay, he could do this. He would give her the damn bath, put her to bed and have a cold shower later.

  “Matt?” He looked up into Christina’s questioning gaze.


  “You do realize you’ve been rubbing my foot for the past ten minutes don’t you?” she smirked, realizing that she had the same effect on him that he had on her. A giggle escaped her when she saw his ears turn red from embarrassment. This was great. The monster of a man wasn’t perfect. She roared with laughter.

  “You little minx!” he said swooping in, silencing her with a kiss.

  “It was cute.”

  “It’s your turn to give me a bath now.” Uh oh, she wasn’t smirking anymore. He was the one with the devious look in his eyes. She shook as he passed her the soap and a sponge. She slowly reached out and placed the sponge on his chest. There was a light coating of hair on it. She gently rubbed the soap into his skin. Her breathing became labored when she noted how hard his nipples were. She gulped, was it her or did the sexual tension in this room just rise. She could feel Matt’s heated gaze on her as she bathed him.

  “Don’t forget my neck.” He smirked down at her. Her eyes flickered up to meet his green ones that meant she would have to scoot a little closer to clean him. She moved a little closer to him.

  “Tilt your head back.” She could do this. It was a challenge that much she knew. When he obliged she hadn’t counted on her breasts brushing against his chest. She reached around him to get to the back of his neck, and she felt his member. It brushed against her abdomen. Suddenly she could hear Sarah telling her to be spontaneous. ‘Live life to the fullest’ was what she would tell her. The thought had taken root in her mind and the seeds were growing. It was now or never.

  Christina speared herself down on his shaft. The penetration left her gasping for breath as her body adjusted to him and she used her walls to hold him in a furious grip.

  “You little devil you!” he groaned looking down at her. Matt could barely hold himself together. He almost came when she suddenly enveloped his member. He gripped her hips fiercely in his hands.

  “Baby wait, let me--” He couldn’t finished his sentence. She had begun to rock, it was such a delicious sensation. The water was like pebbles on her skin. Those grey eyes watched every expression he made. The woman was making him beg. He couldn’t hold on much longer.

  “Christina, baby please.” He groaned.

  “Please? What are you begging for Matt?” she asked him in a throaty tone. He bit his bottom lip; he was going to make her pay. He grabbed her hips and began pistoling into her. Christina screamed at the sudden change of pace. Her breasts bounced up and down, and she wrapped her arms around Matt’s neck to retain her balance. She soon found herself reaching her peak and tumbling over it together. She was going to feel this later tonight. They’d been screwing since midmorning. Sarah was going to kill her. She forgot to call.


  Matt smiled as he cleaned up the food he prepare for them. They’d left their drinks untouched. He poured them out. He grabbed a scotch and sat down to enjoy the view of the mountains. His phone rang.


  “Matt, did you do the dirty deed.”

  “Don’t say it like that. There wasn’t anything sordid about it my friend.”

  “You wore her out didn’t you?”

  “I suppose.” He chuckled into the phone.

  “You know I had to do some digging.”


  “Her name is Christina Moorehead. Child genius. She’s a prodigy man. One of the smartest people alive.”

  “What did you say?”

  “Check this out. She’s only twenty-one.”

  “God! She’s barely old enough to have a cocktail!”

  “How does it feel to rob the cradle old man?”

  “Wait a minute, I’m not that old. I’m twenty-eight. Eight years her senior. That’s not bad at all.”

  “Don’t you have a birthday coming up?”

  “Shut up Collum. Damn it. I knew she was a virgin. I told you she was an innocent.”

  “Calm down, Matt. Women hardly make it out of high school with their virginity intact. Blame society.”

  “Good bye Collum.”



  “Take good care of her. I approve.”

  “Thanks Daddy!” he said laughing before hanging up.

  Collum looked at the phone in his hand. There was a reason Christina changed her last name. Was she hiding from someone? It was his business to know. After all Matt simply didn’t remain on the top because of his good looks, he had a team capable of eliminating anyone who posed a threat. Collum smiled, it’s been a while since he’d been hunting.


  When Christina woke, the sun was beginning to set. She stretched. She was a little sore but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. She was on cloud nine. Everything was so romantic. Who would have guessed that a person like her could be living in a fairytale? Opening up her luggage she grabbed an outfit. It was then that she noticed the tampons. Oh God! How dumb could she get? They hadn’t been using any protection. She didn’t think Matt did. She wasn’t for certain. Her mind had been so clouded with lust that she couldn’t remember her name. She was not on any birth control either. She was going to have to make an appointment with the gynecologist when she returned home. She was sure Matt used protection. He just met her. Okay, she needed to calm down. She would get dress and find a way to bring it up to Matt.

  When Christina entered the room, Matt couldn’t help but think about how beautiful she was. He was glad she decided to leave her hair down. It was stunning.

  “What have you been up to all this time?” she asked curling up next to him.

  “Nothing, just watching the view. I talked to Collum.”

  “Holy crap! You’ve just reminded me I need to call Sarah. The woman is going to kill me.”

  “Well I very much want you alive. So I suggest you go call her. When you finished, I’ve made reservations for us. I want to take you to a favorite restaurant of mine.”

  “Okay, I’ll give Sarah a quick call. Will what I’m wearing be okay?”

  “Of course. You are divine.” Matt chuckled at her retreating form. This woman was his. She would come back with him. Let the courtship began.

  Chapter 8

  Christina lay in the room that she and Matt shared. She listened as the phone rang in her ear, maybe Sarah was busy; at least she managed to avoid the phone call for a bit longer. Sarah couldn’t say
she didn’t call her.

  “I’m free!” she shouted laughing getting ready to hang up the phone.

  “You know I can hear you?”

  “Eek!” she said dropping the phone on the bed. She quickly picked it up and placed to her ear.

  “How could you forget to call me woman?” Sarah roared into the phone.

  “Sarah I’m sorry.”

  “That’s no excuse! Sorry doesn’t cut it. I’ve been worried about you all this time. You’re lucky I didn’t call the authorities. What if he was murderer? You’re still getting to know each other Chris. What could you have been doing that would prevent you from calling?”

  “Nothing,” Christina said blushing into the phone. Her voice came off sounding guilty and a bit breathless.

  “Omg! You did it! You dirty girl!” Sarah yelled into the phone.

  “Sarah!” she whined.


  “Shut up before someone hears you!”

  “Oh hush, no one is going to hear anything. I’m surprised, you’ve held out this long. I all but thought he was going to take you in the foyer this morning before you left.” Sarah said giggling into the phone.

  “Oh, God. You saw that?” Shoot her now. How would she face her friend?

  “It was hot. A really hot porno.”


  “Okay, okay! Just quit whining. Now I want to hear all the dirty details.”

  “Well, there’s not much to tell.”

  “Bull shit!”

  “Okay, he’s very dominate and a little possessive.”

  “Possessive. That doesn’t sound good.”

  “Well not like that Sarah, I meant in a hot bedroom kind of kink.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re one of those ones who like a little pain with their sex?” Sarah gasped into the phone. She couldn’t believe it. Her little friend was a closet freak. She couldn’t wait to take her to some stores when she got back.

  “It turns me on when he’s vulgar. Is that a bad thing?”

  “No, no.” This had Sarah blushing into the phone.

  “What do you think about all this?”

  “Well cupcake. I got to go.” Christina looked at the phone incredulously as the dead line echoed. She wondered what that was about. She flopped on the bed looking at her phone. Should she call her back? She supposed Sarah would tell her when she was ready. It was time to hunt Matt down and see what he was up to.

  She sat curled up into Matt’s side. Her head rested on his chest and they watched the view of the Aspen Mountains together. If this was a dream she never wanted to wake up. Matt looked down at the woman in his arms, his heart skipped in his chest. He never believed in love at first sight but here he was and it scared him. What if she left him? Would she run to another like Natalia had done? A frown worked its way across his face. He wouldn’t let it happen. He would fuck her so hard and ensure that she never left him. She belonged to him and no one else.

  Christina let out gasp of surprise when Matt suddenly leaped on her. His hands reached for her jeans. He had them off of her in record time. She couldn’t believe he was ready to go at it again. She was still sore.

  “Matt?” She looked up into his eyes. For the first time they scared her. They were cold like ice. Maybe he was role playing. He then snatched her top off her leaving her naked on the couch.

  “Open your mouth,” he demanded. Christina looked at Matt with wide eyes. Her mind told her something was wrong but her body was already wet and ready for him to do whatever it was to it. She was conflicted.


  “Open your fucking mouth Christina,” he uttered darkly. She clasped her legs together as means to hide the fact that she was turned on. She watched as Matt stripped. He climbed onto the sofa. She couldn’t see his face; his lower body blocked her sight. She still hadn’t opened her mouth. Suddenly she felt Matt’s hands on her face. Grabbing her jaws, he forced her mouth open. It was then that Matt forced his hard erection into her mouth. It was thick, hard and long. She gagged the first time he forced it down her throat.

  “Wrap your lips around your teeth so they wouldn’t scrape against it. Relax your throat.” She did as he instructed and found it wasn’t so difficult. She timed her breathing with his thrusts. Before she knew it, he had picked up speed, thrusting deeply into her mouth hitting the back of her throat. Christina flicked her tongue against the tip of his member feeling the slit there. Before she knew it, it was swelling in her throat choking her. Christina’s eyes flew opened when she felt the hot liquid spilling into her mouth. Matt removed himself from her mouth. He closed Christina’s mouth and watched as she swallowed his semen. It turned him on immensely. He smiled as she sat up on the couch and looked at him.

  “Open your mouth, and spread your legs,” he said to her. He was pleased as she followed his instructions this time without hesitation.

  “Good girl.” Pulling her to the edge of the couch, he kneeled between her legs and kissed her second pair of lips.

  “Oh God Matt!” she yelled in surprised.

  “That’s right baby. I’m your god.” He flicked the little bead there. Her mind filled with pleasure and when Matt flicked the bead again she lost it. He licked and laved up the hot liquid that seeped from her. She thought he was finished, until he thrust his hot thick tongue into her. He moved it in and out of her while pinching the little bead. She couldn’t take it anymore. The pressure built up, oh god, it felt like she had to pee.

  “Your close, baby. Just let it go.”

  “I can’t,” she moaned. Then Matt bit down and she couldn’t hold it in anymore. She let everything out. Completely spent she fell back onto the couch to catch her breath.

  “Wow.” It was the only way she could express how mind blowing everything was. Matt chuckled.

  “I’m going to take a shower. You are delicious,” he said flicking her nipple as he got up. Christina instantly blushed. The man was so far out of her league.

  “On second thought, change into something formal. I want to give you a glimpse into my world tonight.” He said walking away from her. What did that mean? What did he mean his world? She gathered her things to get ready for dinner.

  Christina was thankful for Sarah. She packed a dress in her bag that begged to be worn for such an occasion. Black was always safe. Black Lui Vuitton heels were packed with the dress and the instructions to what type of make to wear. Her friend was a life saver. Since her dress was strapless, Christina wore her hair up and let the wisps hang around her face. She placed one karat diamonds in each ear and dabbed Armani on her wrists and neck. Light gloss covered her lips. She grabbed a light lavender color clutched. Sarah always said it brought out her eyes. Checking her clutch, she had everything she needed. It was time to find out about Matt’s world.

  Speechless he stood as Christina met him at the door.

  “You look exquisite.” He told her kissing her on her mouth. He trailed his nose down her neck, and kissed it. It took everything he had not to leave a mark there, so that everyone knew she belonged to him. He breathed easier noticing her breathless state. A smirked formed on his lips when he saw her scanning him from head to toe. When her eyes finally connected with his, she began to stutter.

  “Um, you look, um great too.” She said. Christina couldn’t believe how dumb she sounded. She was supposed to be a child prodigy for crying out loud. Great! That’s all she could come up with. She wished Sarah was here to slap her and tell her to snap out of it. Matt wrapped his arm her. He grabbed a thick shawl and escorted her to the limo that was waiting for them.

  Getting out of the limo, Matt bypassed the others waiting in line.

  “I’m sorry sir, you don’t have reservation.”

  “Are you new here?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Call your manager.”

  “Matt, we can eat elsewhere.” Christina said trying to calm him.

  Matt was angry. He didn’t appreciate being told no, and made a fool in fro
nt of Christina. Matt watched as the manager rushed toward them. Spotting Matt his eyes widen slightly before coming to aid them.

  “Mr. Dallas, we were not aware you were in Aspen. Welcome. Your usual spot is available for you and your guest.”

  “Thank you, Jonathan. I assume you would be discrete about my presence and that of my lady companion.”

  “Of course, Mr. Dallas. As always,” the manager said signaling the server.

  “Thomas will escort you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I apologize for any inconvenience,” the manager said. Christina looked at Matt in awe. These people were practically groveling at his feet. What the hell was going?

  The manager slapped the young man upside the head.

  “What did I do?”

  “You needed to read more. This restaurant serves a lot of high end clients right.”

  “Well of course. I’m familiar with the celebrities and millionaires that come through this place.”

  “Well that man is in a category of his own. You need to not only rely on that pretty face of yours.”

  “Who is he?”